Your Pregnancy Week by Week: Week 12

Baby Week 12 development

Baby Development

The Week 12 edition:
The first of your baby’s reflexes are seen. It can curl its fingers and toes now! Webbed fingers and feet no more. The arms and legs, however, still move together. The intestines initially infringing the umbilical cord space now move towards the abdomen. The bone marrow starts its production of the white blood cells. Your baby has just undergone a growth spurt! It is the size of a plum with 5.7 cm from crown to rump and weighs 14 grams.


Here is an extensive list of everything your baby has been upto this week:

  • The baby can move its arms and legs together.
  • It can curl its toes and fingers.
  • The rapidly growing intestines have taken their position in the baby’s abdominal cavity.
  • White blood cells are being produced in the bone marrow.
  • Your baby will have ten toes and fingers by now! Nails have started growing too!
  • Tiny hair or the lanugo may appear on the baby’s body.


Track your growth at Week 12:
Your uterus, the size of a grapefruit, is now felt above the pubic bone in your abdominal region. This migration from the pelvis to the abdomen, results in lessened need to urinate frequently. You may see stretch marks on your belly and it may feel itchy, do not take stress. You may be salivating more and your nose may be extra sensitive to smells, it is all the hormones. Give your body some rest, It did work overtime to produce the placenta. Keep yourself hydrated at all times and start going on strolls or short walks.


Here is a list of symptoms you may see this week:

  • You will salivate more. 
  • You feel tired and fatigued. Rest up, your body needs it.
  • This in turn, may lead to migraines and on and off headaches.
  • Your nose may be extra sensitive to smells.
  • The need to run to the washroom has come down considerably. Well, that’s a relief!
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